Technical Skills


Title: Personal Portfolio

image preview of personal portfolio

The purpose of this project is to create a digital portfolio that displays my skill and and projects. I utilized HTML to create a dynamic and visually appealing web application. HTML served as the backbone of this project, providing the structure and content for the various pages. To enhance the visual presentation, I employed CSS in conjunction with HTML. By using HTML's class and ID attributes, I could target specific elements and apply custom styles. This enabled me to create a cohesive and visually appealing by adjusting colors, fonts, spacing, and overall layout.

Tech Stack: HTML | CSS

Title: Donut-Clicker

Thumbnail for Donut-Clicker project

The purpose of this project is to create my own iteration of the immensely popular Cookie-Clicker game. I structured the web application's content using HTML, incorporating navigation, a modal, and the game UI. Employing CSS, I applied various selectors to add visually appealing styles, captivating the user's attention. To ensure the project's functionality, I implemented the core game logic in JavaScript, adhering to OOP principles and the SOLID principles. Throughout the development process, I utilized Version Control and GitHub to commit and deploy this application seamlessly.

Tech Stack: HTML | CSS | JavaScript

Title: Purple Passion

Thumbnail for Purple Passion project

The purpose of this project is to create a captivating one-page website that serves as a practical application of my HTML and CSS knowledge. I utilized a range of HTML tags, hyperlinks, forms, and more to structure the content effectively. Additionally, I employed CSS to style elements and ensure responsiveness across various devices. Through this project, I was able to strengthen my skills while crafting an engaging webpage.

Tech Stack: HTML | CSS